when are you coming back?

l to r: (back) harrish, lindsey, sandrine, katrina, me, duff, brad, johnny. (front) meghan, happy, carol, wendy.
never have i left a place that i have loved so much and not had a plan to come back! last night, lindsey and harrish got everyone together for a farwell dinner for us. it was so thoughtful of them, and duff and i are really flattered. we never would have gotten that together on our own and our goodbyes would have been scattered. so many people have asked when we are coming back, and one of the worst parts of leaving is i have no answer to that. always before i have. leaving alaska? back next summer. leaving seattle? back after china. leaving cincinnati? back asap! here, it is different. i have never been so completely torn about leaving a place. i wish i could say that i will be back for a visit and say when. that would make leaving here a lot easier. it is so great that for the rest of forever, i can come to china to see wonderful friends.
bye bye, everyone, and thanks for a wonderful 2 years. we will miss wuhan very much.
harrish is lindsey's bf???noway..he's stella's bf,they have been together for 6years
7:25 PM
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