to making it out alive
i am very pleased to report that both sean and i are alive and america!! toasting 'to making it out alive' as we drank beer in delhi must have done the trick. our flights went well, other than delays, and we are luxuriating in american food and i am quite reluctant to leave my comfy, soft bed.
i am moving kind of slowly, but i am looking forward to talking to everyone. my phonebook in my cell phone disappeared so e-mail me your numbers, or better yet, just give me a call. 513-519-7996.
and now, it is time for a nap.
glad you are back!
I tried emailing you, but the internet is satellite and always goes out...i will call you, i have no reception on my phone and the dorm phone does not work with incoming calls...i do check my messages daily: 309-368-2476.
I'm fed up with the internet today (it's taken me about 45 minutes to read three emails)
hope your ankle gets better soon. have fun with your family
----becky q
5:24 PM
glad you are back!
I tried emailing you, but the internet is satellite and always goes out...i will call you, i have no reception on my phone and the dorm phone does not work with incoming calls...i do check my messages daily: 309-368-2467.
I'm fed up with the internet today (it's taken me about 45 minutes to read three emails)
hope your ankle gets better soon. have fun with your family
----becky q
5:25 PM
i typed my number wrong. it's 309-368-2467.
sorry, becky
now to leave this wretched internet behind me for the next few days!
5:26 PM
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