03 June 2008

we're here...

ariel and i arrived in bangkok around 2 am last night. all with the flightes went well and we have had not a bit of trouble. we must seem like we know where we are going!

we have to go get something to eat, as we haven't eaten in nearly 20 hours. we are both feeling a bit under the weather (probably just colds from the airplane) and have been sleeping for most of the day. it is 7 pm here so we decided to stay in bangkok for another night before heading out to...where? yeah, we still haven't really planned anything. we keep promising ourselves we'll do it over dinner, so let's see if that happens. right now we are just happy to be back in asia.



Blogger Unknown said...

mmm. eat some noodles for me.

9:59 PM

Blogger MBL said...

I tried to leave a comment earlier, but it did not post. Among our Thailand artifacts that Grandmama and Grandaddy brought back when Katie was in preschool is a boat piled high with produce that a woman is taking to market. Try to get some good pictures of those when you go to the river.


9:45 AM


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